397 research outputs found

    Designing and managing Organizational Interoperability with organizational capabilities and roadmaps

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    This paper discusses organizational interoperability issues in through the study of two cases. Then it presents a framework which can help to design and manage this interoperability, by driving the development of “organizational capabilities”.Organization learning, Functional interoperability

    Heuristiques pour la composition d'un stock de produis semi-finis

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    International audienceLa mise en place d'un système de production de type assemblage à la commande nécessite une redéfinition tant des produits que des équipements. Le but de cet article est de montrer, via la simulation, que le problème de définition des produits semi-finis à stocker est un point crucial de cette démarche. Les résultats présentés montrent que les gains potentiels, en temps d'assemblage mais aussi en capacité de stockage sont très importants, et que des heuristiques permettent d'obtenir des performances intéressantes

    Managing resource learning in distributed organisations with the organisational capability approach

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    International audienceOrganisational capability management is a recent approach; it enables global and coordinated management of resources and facilitates future synergies within extended organisations. This paper provides a state of the art of organisational capability approach and proposes a management framework. On the one hand, an overview of the theoretical principles and the practical solutions, especially methods for standardising and transferring firms' good practices, points out the limits of their sustainable functioning. On the other hand, the framework manages organisational capabilities by following the theoretical principles and overcoming identified barriers. This proposition is structured around three kinds of processes: primary (design and transfer), support (assessment and enhancement) and management (coordination and alignment)

    Designing and managing Organizational Interoperability with organizational capabilities and roadmaps

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    International audienceThis paper discusses organizational interoperability issues in through the study of two cases. Then it presents a framework which can help to design and manage this interoperability, by driving the development of “organizational capabilities”

    Le pilotage d'entreprise par les capacités organisationnelles : étude de l'approche roadmapping

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    La performance est aujourd'hui vue comme la maîtrise du potentiel de réalisation de l'organisation. Il devient donc nécessaire d'adapter les outils de pilotage pour qu'ils intègrent les problématiques du développement du progrès fonctionnel et de la maîtrise du savoir agir des entités de l'entreprise. Ce savoir agir, répondant aussi au nom de capacité organisationnelle, est depuis peu modélisé par des méthodes de roadmapping. Celles-ci mettent au centre du système de pilotage l'apprentissage fonctionnel, et permettent le déploiement et le contrôle des capacités sur l'ensemble de l'entreprise. Cet article cherche à identifier les atouts et les faiblesses d'une de ces solutions, en partant d'un cas d'étude dans une grande entreprise. Par la suite, des pistes d'amélioration du modèle existant seront proposées.Génie industriel, pilotage d'entreprise, gestion du progrès, apprentissage fonctionnel, capacités organisationnelles, roadmapping

    Mutation écologique et transition énergétique . Vers la ville intelligente ?

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    Introduction du numéro 15 de la revue Urbia http://www.unil.ch/ouvdd/page46591.htmlNational audienceLe régime d'urbanisation actuel est arrivé à un tournant décisif. Celui de la limitation de l'étalement urbain et de la mutation écologique de son habitat, de son système de transports, et de son économie. Ce tournant s'inscrit dans le temps long des changements technologiques et économiques, comme des façons de penser notre relation à la nature et notre place dans ou sur la planète. Chaque période de l'évolution des sociétés a donné sa marque à la ville. Entre la ville médiévale et celle de l'âge industriel, il y a eu une révolution énergétique majeure : le passage à un approvisionnement fossile a démultiplié la carbonisation du métabolisme des villes européennes. La ville postindustrielle contient encore ce modèle énergétique, qu'elle doit impérativement dépasser. Elle en porte les stigmates. Son premier mérite est peut-être d'avoir, par l'ampleur de son " empreinte écologique ", suscité une réaction contre sa plus importante défaillance " génétique " : la dépendance de son fonctionnement aux ressources non renouvelables. La croissance de l'artifice urbain a remplacé la soumission à la nature proche, au prix d'une fragilisation extrême. La soif d'énergie des métropoles modernes dépasse de loin les capacités de l'offre de ses enveloppes spatiales immédiates. Cette défaillance atteindra certainement prochainement un point critique pouvant entraver de façon dramatique le fonctionnement de nos sociétés. Devenues des véritables gouffres énergétiques, les villes contemporaines nous révèlent ainsi l'ampleur des mutations que nous devons affronter. Le paradigme énergétique doit changer. Pouvons-nous imaginer et donner forme à des espaces et à des lieux mieux bâtis, mieux reliés, plus économes en ressources matérielles et dans lesquels les habitants se sentent mieux


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    International audienceThis paper presents a contribution to design an online preference based system. The objective of the system is to assist a customer in the products selection process. The product considered here to describe the application is the comic. Current e-commerce recommendation systems assist customers in this process. Nevertheless, quality of the recommendations produced remains a real challenge. There are products that are not recommended to customers though they would appreciate them and others recommended to them though they do not appreciate them. Quality and relevance of recommendations is addressed in this paper. The customer's choice is not only based on product characteristics but also on his/her perceptive expectations. Therefore, products recommendations are considered relevant since they meet customer's expectations and particularly perceptive ones. The suggested algorithm aims to recommend spontaneously comics to an active customer. It is mainly based on collaborative filtering and neighbourhood formation. Cluster of neighbours is formed. Neighbours share common perceptive preferences with the active customer. Favourite comics of the neighbours may interest the latter. Selection of the appropriate comics is based on the product characteristics expected by the active customer. The algorithm produces relevant comics which meet the active customer's expectations and particularly perceptive ones

    Cultura na perspectiva Arquivística

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    Analyzes the relationship between Archives and culture established in the theoretical, archival Brazilian public policy and legislation. Justified by the recent inclusion of Archives in targets for the National Culture Plan (NCP) and its implications. It concludes with a general diagnosis of the national context in the cultural archive.Analisa a relação entre Arquivos e cultura estabelecida no referencial teórico, nas políticas públicas arquivísticas brasileira e na legislação. Justifica-se pela recente inserção dos arquivos nas metas previstas para o Plano Nacional de Cultura (PNC) e suas implicações decorrentes. Conclui com um diagnóstico geral do contexto arquivístico nacional no âmbito cultural

    Um Clique para a Ciência: A Fotografia Científica na Experimentação Investigativa em Aulas de Química

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    A fotografia pode ser utilizada como meio eficaz para a observação e o registro de fenômenos, principalmente em atividades experimentais. Neste trabalho se buscou investigar o papel da Fotografia Científica como suporte em experimentos de Química, com o intuito de utilizar novos recursos para o ensino regular de Ciências. Dentre as metodologias de ensino, o “ensino por investigação” pode ser uma boa possibilidade para as aulas experimentais de Ciências e Química. Em meio aos fundamentos teóricos dessa metodologia, destaca-se a elaboração de uma situação-problema, na qual a fotografia científica se revela como um instrumento para o aprimoramento da observação e do registro, que leve à solução do problema inicialmente proposto. A fotografia pode ser considerada como recurso valioso para os procedimentos de ensino-aprendizagem de conceitos e de linguagens científicas e químicas

    Histórias Jatakas: da transmissão oral à materialização em linguagem escrita e visual

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    O presente estudo tem como objeto as Jatakas, histórias Budistas do Século VI a.C. que narram as vidas passadas de Buda Shakyamuni. Aborda seu objetivo e significado,  contextualizando-as nos Ensinamentos Budistas. Analisa o processo de representação da memória enquanto transmissão oral e seu posterior processo de materialização em suportes sob a forma escrita, a partir da sua tradução mais famosa intitulada “The Jataka or stories of the Buddha ́s former births”, e sob diferentes materializações imagéticas,  através de pinturas e esculturas em santuários, templos, cavernas e peças de museus. Demonstra como as Jatakas, compreendidas como um fenômeno de consciência, encontram correspondente num processo infocomunicacional, no qual informação e comunicação contribuíram para sua disseminação e preservação ao longo dos séculos, idiomas, espaço e materialidade.Palavras-chave: histórias Jatakas; fenômeno infocomunicacional.AbstractThis paper studied the Jatakas, Buddhist stories in the sixth century BC that recount the past lives of Shakyamuni Buddha. Discusses its purpose and meaning, contextualizing them in the Buddhist Teachings. Analyzes the representation of memory as oral transmission and its subsequent process of materialization in brackets in text, from its most famous translation titled "The Jataka or stories of the Buddha's former births”, and under different incarnations of imagery through paintings and sculptures in shrines, temples, caves and museum pieces. Demonstrates how Jatakas, understood as aphenomenon of consciousness, found corresponding as Infocomunicacional process, inwhich information and communication contributed to its dissemination and preservation through the centuries, languages, space and materiality.Keywords: Jataka tales; infocomunicacional phenomenon